How to screen the film...

If you already have a location and equipment to screen the film, then all you need is our Community Screening Kit. This kit includes a Public Performance License that will allow you to show the film in a public space with no admission fee. If you want a copy of the film for your classroom or library, you can purchase this kit. Just let us know that you need an Educational License instead.
Community Screening Kit: $50 (plus $10 shipping & applicable tax)
• DVD (includes Special Features and English SDH)
• Two movie posters (18”x24”)
• Templates for postcards to advertise the screening (PDF)
• Discussion Guide (PDF)
• Step-by-step guide to hosting a successful event (PDF)
If you’d like to show the film in High Definition, we can provide a digital file instead. Just contact us.
If you’d like to charge admission or use the film screening as a fundraiser, please contact us for details.
If your organization can not afford the screening kit, please contact us to discuss and we will work something out.
The director and players are available to make personal appearances and engage your audience in a Q&A session after the screening. Speaker fees and travel expenses may apply – please contact us for more information
We have a DVD. Why do we need a Public Performance License?
Copyrighted motion pictures and other programs that are available for rental or purchase in any legal format, such as DVDs, are intended for personal, private, home use only. “Viewings outside of the home, such as in a community center, house of worship or any public facility require a license.” Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law
This film has the power to change how we think about women, sports, and aging - no small thing.